Noice is a free music rhythm game like Phase Shift or Clone Hero but made exclusively for MacOS
Play a session of Pro Drums (or regular) with your favorite MIDI drum kit, or 5-lane Guitar & Bass with a guitar controller or computer keyboard. You can also play Piano tracks in guitar mode
Find the right song in your sprawling music catalog fast with intuitive 3D navigation. Don't just scroll up & down like a regular boring list, but also scroll sideways to quickly jump to the adjacent letter in the alphabet.
While the song menu is a joy to use, you can choose to play a random song instead for uninterrupted gameplay. Continue randomizing till you see a song you fancy, or if you see an artist you like choose a random song from that artist. This is my favorite way to enjoy noice
Noice is made with SceneKit and renders with Metal, but also takes advantage of other Mac native frameworks like CoreData to manage large music databases and scores. Songs are handled by AVPlayer and supports native formats like m4a & mp3s for fast hardware level decoding. Keeping noice light weight