What's New in

< older versions

version 1.2 - Getting Better

May 15, 2023


During random play, the option to make the current random artist become the selected artist has been added


version 1.1 - All Apologies

May 13, 2023


Logo Animation! - This really completes it

Cleaned up menu transitions

Screened back the octopuss background during the Score menu for better legibility. This is also smoothly transitioned


This is the reason why I released this revision so soon. I messed up and didn't include the FC artwork, so if you had an FC, all you saw was 5 Gold stars. The FC was still logged tho and it would display back in the menus selection

version 1.0 - Finally

Apr 25, 2023



This is the official start of the full release, so noice got a new logo, app icon and splash screen

noice splash screen - "Crimson & Neutral" noice splash screen - "Amber & Green" noice splash screen - "Deep Bluee & Magenta

Full Screen Mode

Now there is an option to start the game in full screen mode. This was something I should have done long ago

Song Menu

I cleaned up the song selection screen a bit. Fine-tuned type, adjusted some colors and animations, but most obvious is the Up Next song list - I have redesigned it quite a bit and it looks much cleaner and more usable, but also I will be displaying more track info within it in the future

song selection menu - verion 1.0, showing new GUI layout
