May 15, 2023
During random play, the option to make the current random artist become the selected artist has been added
Crash caused by OGG previews has been fixed - I think. when decoding ogg files ffmpeg does the seeking in an Async thread, when changing songs, the audiostream would be cleared but the seeking might not be done which would then crash the app. I have no way of canceling the seeking when the file is gone, best I could do is delay the song switch by a fraction of a second to allow the seeking to finish. This was not an issue with m4a and mp3 files, just OGGs
Sometimes when going into any list menu and a preview song was about to play, it would play anyway. This works as expected now. Other improvements have been done in this area too
When selecting a song from a list and the screen jumps to the detail page, sometimes the album art would not get a chance to load. Now it Does!
May 13, 2023
Logo Animation! - This really completes it
Cleaned up menu transitions
Screened back the octopuss background during the Score menu for better legibility. This is also smoothly transitioned
This is the reason why I released this revision so soon. I messed up and didn't include the FC artwork, so if you had an FC, all you saw was 5 Gold stars. The FC was still logged tho and it would display back in the menus selection
Apr 25, 2023
This is the official start of the full release, so noice got a new logo, app icon and splash screen
The new logo is cleaner and more adaptable to different looks and themes I'd like to explore in the future
The icon took the longest to develop. I did many concepts, studies, and color combinations ranging from very detailed renders, to very abstract and flat, to crazy colors, to no color at all. But I'm happy with the end result - it is simple & carries a continuation with color
The new loading screen is a vast improvement and sets a really nice vibe for the start of a game session. I recycled the old artwork and cleaned it up a bit, but I really put the work in the presentation which is now dynamic and different every time you start the game
Now there is an option to start the game in full screen mode. This was something I should have done long ago
I cleaned up the song selection screen a bit. Fine-tuned type, adjusted some colors and animations, but most obvious is the Up Next song list - I have redesigned it quite a bit and it looks much cleaner and more usable, but also I will be displaying more track info within it in the future
I removed unused menu items and organized the menus
Fixed an issue where upon starting the game, you couldn't move the window around till after it was resized. Also cleaned up the title bar. The window title no longer shows during the game and I removed the close button because there is no way to reopen the window after it is closed
Fixed a memory leak caused by a bug in SpriteKit for which I submitted a ticket. But regarless, I avoided the issue anyway
Improved performance on song previews
Fixed a crash that happened when quiting the app from certain menus - it didn't affect anything because it was when quitting anyway, but still