Inert Lab

I'm a professional designer with lots of hobbies and just want to share some of my creations. Here you will find Games, Adobe Extensions, Cinema4d Assets, and Art stuff. Hope you can find something useful or fun or both and check back for new additions and updates

Noice - Music Grame For Mac

Noice is a Rock Band, Guitar Hero like game made specifically for Mac Os. It plays Phaseshift/Clone Hero format files and it is free!

> Experience The Latest Version <

Link 5 - Boardgame

Link 5 (aka Connect Them 5) is a mulitplayer board game with cards where players take turns placing chips on a board and try to connect 5 in a row to win. It can be played online on any web browser, or locally with a physical deck of cards. Instructions are on the game board - easy to learn and fun to play

> Start Playing <

Adobe Illustrator Extensions

AI extensions add functionality to Illustrator. I work in Environmental Graphics and these are tools I've developed over the years to improve my workflow

You can visit my page below for more details

> CapSize - AlignCap - Zoomize <

or go directly to the Adobe Exchange marketplace

> My Adobe Exchange Portfolio <

Cinema4D Assets

On this page I share some of my Cinema4D creations I developed for my every day use. These are often very simple nodes, but their functionality can save you precious time

Get these assets for free here

> Cinema4D Free Assets <

Woot! Shirts

I used to participate in shirt design derbies. A few of my designs made the cut and are available for purchase on woot ( I get 2 dollars per purchase fyi )

> See My Designs Here <

or go to

> Woot! Shirt Closet - by mecdos <

Contact Me

email: [email protected]

Bluesky: mecdos

Comments & Suggestions

Thank You!